Furniture Deserves Love Too
Meet Rose – my latest upcycled chest of drawers.
I am not going to deny it – our Rose has stole my heart. I know, I name them all, I can’t help it! They all have stories to tell.
“Rose” was picked up through a marketplace listing.
She caught my eye, but it took me an age to decide she needed to come to Marie. Super shiny furniture always bothers me. Plastic” varnish is my pet hate. But then we met in person and I knew she was calling out for a new coat. Maybe some new drawers too (ooh er missus). So before I knew it, she was in my car, and coming home to the hills with me.

She is almost certainly wartime utility. Made to look pretty, with curvy legs and a lovely veneer. But underneath she is a simple girl. Functional yet lightweight. Her mirror long since gone. But a chest of drawers, with this much detail, deserves a little love.
So this was the week, I took her shopping. Okay, that bit is a lie. I didn’t. I mean, she didn’t really need a shopping spree with so many Frenchic paint options to choose from. I have a rather impressive collection now. Not bad from a standing start of one sample paint pot and a bottle of finishing coat. None were quite right of course. Too pink. Cream? Done before. Blue? Too strong. Grey? That’s too meh! And so before I knew it I was practicing a bit of alchemy. Throwing a bit of this and a bit of that, onto a saucer, until the final choice was made. Don’t even ask me what proportions. I mix it up free form. When I sell a piece as “unique”, it really is. Never to be repeated. Because I can’t.

Several hours later she was ready for the red carpet. Waxed and polished. Even those drawers got a new layer of colour.
Work That Lens
And then the camera came out. And before you know it, she’s under the spotlight, loving the attention. Like a true model she knows how to perform. A beautiful wee chest of drawers, fit for a young lady, a nursery, or just for me. Who knows where her forever home will be.
It’s days like these, when everything comes together, you realise just how lucky you are to have found something you love this much.