Other Business..

I love writing. Whether it’s a business process, a blog or website content for busy SMEs.

If writing simply isn’t your bag, or you don’t have time, then I can always find space and time for words.

Blogs (Guest and Regular)

We all know that blogs are a great way to provide dynamic content for our websites. And those search engines love content which changes don’t they? Yet so often I hear SMEs saying “I don’t have time to write” or “I am not a writer”. If that sounds like you then you have come to the right place. Be it a regular blog series or a one off guest blog. I love writing! And I love meeting new people and learning about other businesses.

Website Content

So – you just created a new website. It’s exciting. Now all we need is some content. Writing about our business in a way which sells you (because people buy from people) can be the hardest challenge. Which is why, sometimes, it is easier to have someone else write about you and your business. Then we can see you through your potential customer’s eyes.

Guidance Notes and Procedures

We all love to get stuck into a task – but how often do we take time out to document our processes? Guidance notes and procedures are not rules more reminders. Think of them as training aids for your succession planning – aide memoirs for future “generations”. Time spent on a well documented “how to” will save time down the line. Let’s stop reinventing the wheel. It also helps deliver consistency. Having spent many years in large organisations who exist by their procedures I know it’s the job which always gets pushed to the bottom of the to do list. Not me – I LOVE a procedure. Go on, try me..

Proof Reading and Reviews

Sometimes we simply need someone to sense check a document, a process, a piece of work, a product.

  • Proof reading: Simple document checks for grammar, spelling and format.
  • Finishing touches: Perhaps you have roughed out piece of writing but need it formatting and filling before release.
  • Travel actions: New start ups in the travel/tourist industry often need content fast. Lots of lovely reviews and variable content help to get your site active.
  • Product reviews: Dedicated pieces of work to critique or review a new product to market.

There are many more applications where a piece of writing can help you with your own business. Investing in good content is a key part of keeping yourself visible. Think you can’t afford a creative copy writer? I offer a range of price options – from time rechargeable engagements to one off fixed projects.

It’s time to turn your thoughts into the written word..

Marie T Smith

Ballindalloch, Moray

E-mail: marie@shewordsmiths.com

Tel: 07976 918185