A Country Divided
Unless you have been living under a rock you will know, by now, that Boris started to lift some lockdown restrictions around about this time last week. I won’t lie. I was a…
Time Flies In Lockdown
My oh my, how time flies. I can hardly believe we are almost at the end of April. Does anyone else feel like the weeks are zipping by? Merging milestones I guess, traditionally…
Ten Days Without Supermarket Panic Buying
As we near the end of week one of UK Covid-19 Coronavirus ‘lockdown’, I promised I would let you know how we had managed without joining the masses of people supermarket panic buying. …
Making More Of Our Local Food Chain
Well, it’s been an interesting week hasn’t it? We watched as the UK began to ramp up, and clamp down, in an effort to try and manage the spread of Coroanvirus Covid-19. To…
Flying Without Wings
It’s been an interesting week. A week that brought Flybe’s collapse, more virus challenges and a decision to create a mini She Wordsmiths. Change is not always easy to handle, but I got…
Spring Is Here But It’s Not To Be Sneezed At
Meteorological spring has arrived. I love it when the 1st of March dawns. The winter months have often been accompanied by a dip in my own energy and mental health. But I seem…