Flying Without Wings
It’s been an interesting week. A week that brought Flybe’s collapse, more virus challenges and a decision to create a mini She Wordsmiths. Change is not always easy to handle, but I got through the week. Sometimes I felt like I was flying without wings, but I am fairly relaxed about the choices I made.
But I’ll let you decide.
Flying without wings
The first challenge came when we heard the news that Flybe was on the verge of collapse. It was Wednesday night. How had we not heard this before? Actually we had – but way back at the start of the year. We were totally relaxed – that will teach us.
We woke to the inevitable news on Thursday morning. I think we should have known there would be no U-turn this time. No bailout. Every man and his dog was filmed going in to try and get as much of their gear out before the administrators arrived. By breakfast, the reality was plain to see. Flybe was grounded. The Smiths were now grounded.
We spent some time looking at alternatives, but there was no escaping the fact, there are few options from a little place in Scotland. Face facts – it was not to be this time. Our rationale for the final decision is told far better in this story…read more.
We are now truly flying without wings as we watch and hope that Coronavirus doesn’t stop us in our tracks. We have tigers to go and photograph and it seems 2020 is set to challenge our plans greatly. Things have moved on very quickly since I touched on this last week.
What? Not another blog
Having resigned ourselves to staying home, watching the Coronavirus figures rise each day, I wasn’t expecting to create yet another blog space. Let’s face it, how many blogs does one woman need!
But a couple of things happened over on Medium this week. For those who don’t know, Medium is my wee blog extra where I get to write random stuff (yes, sigh, even more, random stuff) to the sound of cents falling into my pocket.
I would like to say each month feels like winning the slot machine at Blackpool. Or all the tokens on Tipping Point. In reality, it’s more like dropping a coin out of your purse at the post office and scrabbling around to find it. You know – just in case it’s a pound?
Anyway, back to the story (admit it, you love it when I ramble) a couple more things happened this week.
Firstly one of the publications where I occasionally ‘write about writing’ is making changes. Fair play. To be honest, I think a few more should consider it. Just saying…
Then while checking out the impact of that decision (yes that one in the paragraph above – in case you are skimming) I discovered something even bigger.
One of the publications holding some of my best pieces had done a moonlight flit. And in their hurry, they left everything behind – thankfully. But remember those stories where I literally bled my whole self all over the page? Well, they were strewn across the floor. More fool them I say.
Now you all know me by now. I am not one to thrash and weep on the floor. I can do this. Onwards and upwards. With ten mini-stories now homeless there was only one thing for it.
Meet – mini She Wordsmiths!
She is our little sister – be kind to her.
She is not here to steal our limelight. Indeed she is trying to help. Driving traffic in both directions could strengthen the brand. I think. Think of her as our bag carrier.
She is flying without wings and finding her feet in a world which I hope will throw her a cent or two. And that helps me pay to keep this blog open. Go say hi to her.
An interview with…
My other piece of great news is I was interviewed this week.
Okay, there was no mic and definitely no camera flashes. But sometimes they are all done behind closed doors. In the age of Coronavirus maybe that’s a good thing. Okay, okay I promise not to mention Covid-19 again.
What’s the thing with all the panic buying toilet rolls? How long do you think you will be quarantined for, for heaven’s sake?
Hand gel I kind of understand. Soap? Nope, I don’t get that either. We pretty much ditched the liquid stuff. Too much plastic bottle-age. Buy a bar. It lasts AGES! And guess what? You will save cash too. It’s a win-win.
Anyway – rambling again. Talking about me. That interview. If you always wondered about the girl behind the mask (in my head 54 years old is still a girl) then she talks candidly here. That’s right here!
Wrapping up – thank god I hear you say
So what about the rugby six nations this weekend, hey? England you were on fire! Scotland? Well, what can I say? Awesome. I love a ‘sofa sports’ day. It is such a shame that the grand finale may well be delayed. Coron…..relax! I am not saying it the word.
Anyway, that’s my round-up this week. As I say, it’s been interesting flying without wings.
But before I go – a quick mention for International Women’s Day.
As someone who has strived to find something inside me that would take me to something more, I am grateful, every day for the things I have experienced. Even from a very young age – as I steadfastly argued my reason for becoming an Engineer in a world where women simply didn’t.
So I leave you with this apt quote today…
Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement
Golda Meir
Marie also writes for Medium as @marietsmith
Any links which take you to my Medium stories, from this blog, are entirely free reads – so fill your boots. Clap too if you feel the urge, because even unpaid reaction helps a story gain traction.